If you’re planning to move to Canada or if you’re a newcomer to Canada then landing a job is probably at the top of your priority list. With the right attitude and dedication, it’s possible to find the right job in Canada for you. The even better news is that the Canadian government plans to add 1 million jobs in 2021 to restore employment to pre-pandemic levels. Start your job hunt armed with these top ten tips that can bolster your job search in Canada no matter your occupation and immigration status. 1. Apply to Jobs With a Canadian Style Resume and Cover Letter A well-written resume with information about your employment history that employers actually want to know and presented in a scannable format is the key to secure a job in Canada. A poorly-written resume can have the opposite effect and be the very reason why your job application is rejected. Too often job seekers highlight duties instead of accomplishments. The first thing you should do is to adapt your resume to the Canadian format and translate it to English or French if needed. Don’t forget to support your resume with a targeted cover letter for each job you apply for in Canada. A cover letter is a one-page document that expands on your achievements listed in your resume, showcases your personality, and motivates why you’d be a great fit for the job. A cover letter is especially important to secure jobs in Canada as a foreigner. 2. Get Accredited to Work in Canada Getting your foreign credentials recognized may not be enough to work in a regulated occupation in Canada, you will also need to acquire the proper certification before employers may legally hire you for the job. The license or certification will be issued by the provincial or federal authority that governs your occupation. Most legal, medical, and trade occupations are regulated in Canada. The process can be lengthy, so be prepared. 3. Enlist the Help of Professionals professional-recruiters-sitting-around-table | Find a Job in Canada You can search for jobs on popular job sites like Indeed, Monster, and, eJobbo but a little help goes a long way. Whether you have specialised skills or specifically looking for jobs in Vancouver or teaching jobs in Alberta, enlisting the help of a recruitment agency can significantly increase your chances of success. Recruitment agencies in Canada know the employment landscape and have good relationships with many employers. As a candidate, you will receive feedback on your application and how to improve yourself. They'll always help with whatever queries you may have. Whether it's about your resume or interview questions, your recruiter will be there to guide you. 4. Get Your References Together Following an interview, you’ll be asked for a list of references related to the job you’re applying for. Strong references like your previous bosses, managers, co-workers, and professors who can verify your employment history and vouch for your work ethic can make it easier for you to secure a job in Canada. 5. Search for Jobs in the Right Places Biggest-industries-by-canada-province-infographic | Find a Job in Canada Canada is a big country. In fact, it’s so large that industries can differ widely from province to province. So it’s important to do your research before you move to Canada to ensure you settle in the right place that’s filled with ample job opportunities in your field. For example, if you’re a software developer then your best bet to find technology and IT jobs in Canada are in Ontario, Quebec and, British Columbia. These provinces are home to the country's largest cities with leading tech companies. Find out more about the key industries in Canada. Searching for jobs in the right place is actually not that hard with the help of the in-demand occupations lists that are published by 11 of the 13 provinces and territories of Canada each year. These lists share the labour and skills shortages in Canada and are also directly connected to provincial nomination programs. Knowing where your job is in-demand can narrow down your job search. 6. Get Busy Networking Networking-concept-people-connected | Find a Job in Canada With large networking sites such as LinkedIn, Valence, and Xing it has never been easier to network and build business relationships whether you’re inside or outside of Canada. You can now join professional groups and ask for advice and help. You might discover, for example, that a mutual contact runs HR at a company in Toronto and can facilitate a conversation with the hiring manager. If you’re already authorized to come to Canada or if you’re a newcomer in Canada then you can join immigrant expat groups or find your nearest employment service center that can assist you with job search techniques such as mock interviews, identifying your skills, resume writing, and so much more. 7. Research Companies in Canada Not sure where to start? A public library card will give you access to an online Scott’s Directories database with thousands of Canadian companies and up-to-date contact information. You can search companies in Canada in every industry including marketing, construction, and manufacturing plus many more. Be proactive and use the information to reach out to companies via email or call them to find out if they have any job vacancies. However, make sure that if you go for this option you do some serious research about the company before you make your move. 8. Consider Bridging Courses or Co-op Placements Applying for a bridging course like the Ontario Bridge Training Program, for example, is especially a good idea if your job is regulated in Canada. Bridging courses in Canada for newcomers are designed to offer fast access to training and support so that they can obtain their licenses and find employment quicker. The bridging courses also offer job search support. Another great option is joining a free Co-op Placement designed for newcomers by the Canadian government. It helps you to prepare for the Canadian job market with job-hunting courses and working as an intern to gain valuable work experience that paves the way for finding a paid job in Canada later on. 9. Is Your Online Reputation Respectable? Don’t be surprised if the hiring manager checks out your social media profiles. Your Facebook and Instagram can reveal a lot about you before you’ve even had your first interview. Take care to remove profanity, ‘adult’ content, drug-related content, and be sure to clean up your grammar and spelling. Also, include a (live) link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume and if you don’t have a profile on LinkedIn, we highly suggest that you create one! A LinkedIn profile adds authenticity to your professional brand and reveals additional information about your work experience and skills through endorsements from people with who you've worked. 10. Be Confident and Dedicated It might sound cliche’ but turn your setback into a comeback and don’t let rejection stop you. It’s no easy feat to find a job in a new country, where the job market might be different while at the same time adapting to cultural nuances and social norms. The good news is that it’s not impossible and thousands before you have successfully landed jobs in Canada by keeping confident, motivated, and dedicated. Let that be your motivation during your job search in Canada. Good luck! How Do You Plan to Work in Canada?

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