Visa canadien

Get Started Reach your Canadian dream

Canada will welcome over 985,000 Immigrants in 2023 and 2024! Sign up with us to put your application in the hands of trusted professionals,

Canada needs over 485,000 immigrants to work in 2023 and over 500,000 in  2024 and become permanent residents...The evaluation is to determine which Canadian visa program you qualify for, because in Canada there are more than 80 types of visa programs, so, one of them you may be eligible that's why you are going to be evaluated.
Date de naissance

Visa de visiteur

Un visa de visiteur vous permettra de visiter le Canada en tant que touriste. Contrairement aux autres programmes d'immigration du Canada, il est généralement assez facile d'obtenir votre visa de visiteur. Donc, si vous ne souhaitez visiter le Canada que pour des vacances, c'est l'option idéale pour vous. Une fois sur place, nous sommes sûrs que vous ne voudrez plus partir.

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Résidence permanente

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie d'être un résident permanent du Canada? Que pouvez-vous faire en tant que résident permanent ? Qu'est-ce qu'une carte de résident permanent canadien? Comment faire une demande de résidence permanente au Canada? Ici, nous répondrons à toutes vos questions sur l'immigration au Canada et la résidence permanente.

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Centre de langue

À quel point parlez-vous anglais ou français ? Comprendre l'une ou l'autre langue vous aidera à trouver du travail sur le marché du travail canadien et vous permettra d'être un membre fonctionnel de la société canadienne. Vous devez prouver vos compétences linguistiques sur votre demande d'immigration avec les résultats d'un test de langue approuvé, comme l'IELTS (anglais) ou le TEF (français). Préparez-vous ici !

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Programme des candidats des provinces (PCP)

Le gouvernement canadien a conclu un accord avec les provinces locales dans lesquelles ils peuvent nommer des immigrants qui souhaitent vivre, s'installer et travailler dans cette province particulière ou essentiellement, immigrer au Canada. Afin de recevoir un visa par le biais des programmes des candidats des provinces (PNP),

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Étudier au Canada

Meilleures universités canadiennes pour les étudiants internationaux Les étudiants internationaux peuvent explorer diverses universités canadiennes qui offrent des bourses et du mentorat pour démarrer leur voyage. Ci-dessous, nous mettons en évidence les meilleures universités canadiennes actuelles:

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Parrainage familial Volets d'immigration

Le parrainage familial du Canada vise à rapprocher les familles, permettant aux proches d'étudier et de travailler dans le pays, à condition qu'ils deviennent des résidents permanents du Canada. À votre tour, vous et vos proches pourrez créer de précieux souvenirs tout en vous immergeant dans la riche culture canadienne.

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Emplois en demande au Canada

Canada is currently facing a labour shortage which has created thousands of job opportunities, for skilled, semi, and unskilled foreign workers alike. There are however certain occupations that have more available positions than others and are classified as in-demand.

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Programmes pilotes d'immigration

Que sont les pilotes d'immigration? Les projets pilotes d'immigration sont des programmes à durée limitée spécialement conçus pour répondre aux besoins de régions et de collectivités particulières au Canada. Ces programmes pilotes ciblent les étrangers non qualifiés, semi-qualifiés et qualifiés pour répondre aux besoins et aux pénuries du marché du travail.

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Ouvrier professionnel et qualifié

Le Canada reconnaît l'importance des travailleurs qualifiés étrangers pour la croissance continue de son économie. Avec une population en déclin, des taux de fécondité en baisse, pas assez de travailleurs qualifiés pour supporter le fardeau d'une économie en plein essor, le Canada compte maintenant environ 8 millions d'immigrants vivant en permanence au Canada.

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Immigration d'affaires

Avec l'économie canadienne qui continue de se développer, l'immigration d'affaires au Canada est une option fantastique. Le niveau de vie moyen élevé, le haut niveau de scolarité et la population très diversifiée du Canada signifient qu'il existe de nombreuses possibilités de croissance pour les entreprises.

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Système d'entrée express

Le système Entrée express a été lancé en 2015 par Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) - une division du gouvernement du Canada qui gère toute l'immigration canadienne afin de permettre aux travailleurs étrangers qualifiés et à leurs familles de devenir des résidents permanents au Canada dès que possible. que possible.

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Citoyenneté Canadienne -

Vous avez regardé les chaînes d'accueil présentant le meilleur de la banlieue canadienne, vous avez bavé devant les messages documentant la culture gastronomique dynamique du pays et vous avez lu les rapports de toutes les perspectives d'emploi prometteuses disponibles dans le Grand Nord au cours des dernières années. mois.

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  •  07/28/2023 04:34 AM
  •   Canada

Le Canada, une terre de paysages pittoresques, de villes dynamiques et d'une société multiculturelle accueillante, a toujours été une destination de choix pour les immigrants du monde entier. Avec un large éventail de programmes d'immigration au Canada, le pays offre de nombreuses opportunités aux personnes qui cherchent à commencer un nouveau chapitre de leur vie. Dans ce blog, nous nous plongerons dans certains des programmes d'immigration canadiens les plus populaires, qui ouvrent les portes de villes dynamiques comme Vancouver et Toronto, mettant en valeur les charmes et les opportunités uniques qu'ils offrent aux nouveaux arrivants.

  •  07/28/2023 04:05 AM
  •   Vancouver, BC, Canada

En tant que pays réputé pour la beauté de ses paysages, ses opportunités économiques et sa diversité culturelle, le Canada attire chaque année des milliers d'immigrants. Si vous envisagez de déménager au Canada, il est essentiel de comprendre le processus de demande de visa canadien et les critères d'éligibilité pour démarrer votre voyage vers la résidence permanente. Dans ce blog, nous explorerons les aspects clés du formulaire de demande d'immigration au Canada et les critères d'éligibilité, vous donnant les connaissances nécessaires pour vous lancer dans votre rêve canadien.

  •  01/13/2023 07:37 PM
  •   Vancouver, BC, Canada

Après avoir rêvé, attendu et passé beaucoup de temps à planifier, le moment est enfin arrivé. Vous êtes arrivé au Canada, autrement connu sous le nom de America's Hat, le Great White North ou le Canuckistan, qui ne sont que quelques-uns des nombreux noms populaires du pays. Une félicitation est certainement de mise.

  •  01/03/2023 08:00 PM
  •   Canada

Une fois que vous avez vécu dans votre nouvelle maison au Canada et que vous êtes tous installés, vous commencerez très probablement à penser à des facteurs à long terme tels que l'assurance de votre maison et de votre voiture ou peut-être même une assurance-vie.

  •  01/02/2023 08:00 PM
  •   Canada

Si vous envisagez de déménager au Canada ou si vous êtes un nouvel arrivant au Canada, décrocher un emploi est probablement en haut de votre liste de priorités. Avec la bonne attitude et le dévouement, il est possible de trouver le bon emploi au Canada pour vous.

The purpose of the excellent Canadian healthcare system is really to improve the overall health of all who calls Canada home. For this reason, Canadian citizens and permanent residents can access free public healthcare at all times. In fact, even some foreign workers with valid work permits and international students may apply for free public health insurance in Canada.

Public healthcare coverage varies from province to province, however, most medical care deemed necessary by the Federal government of Canada is covered at no cost to its citizens. There are however some exclusions, such as prescription drugs, as well as dental, mental health, and optometry, unless deemed medically necessary.

Programs That Reduce Costs

There are programs that work towards preventing injuries and teaching citizens about health issues. The programs are funded by the government of Canada and are created to help reduce healthcare costs and to teach people how to take control of their health before they turn into more serious problems. There are programs for seniors, those with disabilities, awareness campaigns for back injuries, and many others. These programs are designed to help people in Canada stay healthier because they are educated about health-related issues.

Special Care For Retired Veterans

The healthcare of veterans is well looked after in Canada and they receive the care that they need in their later lives when they may retire to care homes or seniors centers.

The Canadian government not only treats injuries sustained in the service of their country but veterans get whatever care that they need. What's more, all veterans who are injured, disabled, and retired are admitted to lifelong financial support and care under the Canadian health care system. This long-term care includes medical care facilities and comfortable accommodations at nursing homes all over Canada.

Do Non-Citizens or Permanent Residents Get Free Healthcare in Canada?

On the other hand, Canada’s “universal” healthcare system is a little less universal when it comes to non-citizens or non-permanent residents. However, temporary foreign workers and international students who hold valid permits may be eligible for healthcare coverage. Usually, workers must be employed full-time by an employer and students must be enrolled in full-time studies for a period of 12-month to qualify.

The Canada Health Act states that all insured persons are entitled to the insured benefits offered within that province. “Insured persons” are lawful residents who have lived in the province for three months and live there for at least 183 days a year. Tourists, visitors, and “transients” are excluded.

Those who obtain permanent residency in Canada may have a waiting period of 3-months before they can access free healthcare - it all depends on the provincial government in which they reside.

Updated: January 11th, 2022
Ontario Health Insurance Plan
Thinking of immigrating to Ontario? Learn all about the Ontario Health Insurance Plan or OHIP. What it covers. How to qualify for the OHIP and even the steps on how to apply for the insurance plan and when it will cover you.
Read More...British Columbia Health Plan
Healthcare is important, which is why British Columbia has the Medical Service Plan or MSP. Discover how to qualify for public healthcare in BC with our easy step by step instructions. When to use your medical card and more!
Read More...Alberta Health Plan
When you live in Alberta, the Alberta Healthcare Insurance Plan or AHCIP is a vital part of your wellbeing. Find out how to apply for AHCIP, what the insurance plan covers to what documents you need to apply with.
Read More...Extended Health Coverage Plans
Extended healthcare in Canada covers what public healthcare doesn't. Learn all the benefits of extended health care and what it covers and even how to apply for extra healthcare as an international student living in Canada. Some provinces do not cover international students.
Read More...The purpose of the excellent Canadian healthcare system is really to improve the overall health of all who calls Canada home. For this reason, Canadian citizens and permanent residents can access free public healthcare at all times. In fact, even some foreign workers with valid work permits and international students may apply for free public health insurance in Canada.
Public healthcare coverage varies from province to province, however, most medical care deemed necessary by the Federal government of Canada is covered at no cost to its citizens. There are however some exclusions, such as prescription drugs, as well as dental, mental health, and optometry, unless deemed medically necessary.

Programs That Reduce Costs
There are programs that work towards preventing injuries and teaching citizens about health issues. The programs are funded by the government of Canada and are created to help reduce healthcare costs and to teach people how to take control of their health before they turn into more serious problems. There are programs for seniors, those with disabilities, awareness campaigns for back injuries, and many others. These programs are designed to help people in Canada stay healthier because they are educated about health-related issues.
Special Care For Retired Veterans
The healthcare of veterans is well looked after in Canada and they receive the care that they need in their later lives when they may retire to care homes or seniors centers.
The Canadian government not only treats injuries sustained in the service of their country but veterans get whatever care that they need. What's more, all veterans who are injured, disabled, and retired are admitted to lifelong financial support and care under the Canadian health care system. This long-term care includes medical care facilities and comfortable accommodations at nursing homes all over Canada.
Do Non-Citizens or Permanent Residents Get Free Healthcare in Canada?
On the other hand, Canada’s “universal” healthcare system is a little less universal when it comes to non-citizens or non-permanent residents. However, temporary foreign workers and international students who hold valid permits may be eligible for healthcare coverage. Usually, workers must be employed full-time by an employer and students must be enrolled in full-time studies for a period of 12-month to qualify.
The Canada Health Act states that all insured persons are entitled to the insured benefits offered within that province. “Insured persons” are lawful residents who have lived in the province for three months and live there for at least 183 days a year. Tourists, visitors, and “transients” are excluded.

Those who obtain permanent residency in Canada may have a waiting period of 3-months before they can access free healthcare - it all depends on the provincial government in which they reside.

Basics of the Canadian Health Care System

What is Covered Under the Canadian Health Care System?

Almost all essential basic care is covered, including primary care physicians, specialists, and hospital services.

What is Not Covered?

This varies depending on the province but usually does not cover dental or vision. Cosmetic surgery and some forms of elective surgery are not considered essential. Pharmaceutical benefits are only available to the elderly, disabled, or low-income earners.

How to Apply For Public Health Insurance in Canada

Apply for a health insurance card as soon as you arrive in Canada. Forms can be found at doctor’s offices, hospitals, pharmacies, and immigrant organizations. Documents required are identification and confirmation of permanent resident status. Some provinces (Ontario, B.C., Quebec, and New Brunswick) have a three-month waiting period for coverage.

As mentioned earlier, Canadians do not pay directly for healthcare services but pay through government taxes (except in B.C., where you pay a monthly premium). When traveling outside of your territory or province, you may need to purchase private health insurance to have the same medical services covered. Newcomers also need to purchase private health insurance to cover themselves during the three-month waiting period.

In some provinces, private supplemental plans can be purchased to help pay for things like dental work, eye care, and other treatments not included under basic care. Some employers also subsidize extended healthcare plans as an employee benefit.

Ontario Health Insurance Plan                                                     British Columbia Health Plan

Thinking of immigrating to Ontario? Healthcare is important, which is why
Learn all about the Ontario Health British Columbia has the Medical
Insurance Plan or OHIP. What it covers. Service Plan or MSP. Discover how to
How to qualify for the OHIP and even qualify for public healthcare in BC with
the steps on how to apply for the our easy step by step instructions.
insurance plan and when it will cover... When to use your medical card...

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With all the different immigration policies, laws and visa opportunities in place, knowing what to apply for and how to apply can be confusing. Fortunately, we work with a team of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) who are here to guide you through the process of your immigration.

With all the different immigration policies, laws, and visa opportunities in place, knowing what to apply for and how to apply can be confusing. Fortunately, we work with a team of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) who are here to guide you through the process of your immigration.
Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants, or RCICs, are legally authorized representatives and members in good standing with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC). The consultants we work with, are specially trained, qualified. and intimately familiar with Canadian immigration policies.
Having an RCIC assist you in applying for your Canadian visa can greatly simplify your application. Think of the RCIC as your personal assistant throughout your Canadian endeavors.

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What is the life style of Canadian?

Image result for life style in canada
Canadians do share important values such as pride, a belief in equality and diversity, and respect for all individuals. It is these values that make Canada known as a friendly, peace-loving, and secure place in which to live.

Check my eligibility

  • 2398 Boulevard Pie-IX, Montreal, QC, Canada

Le Canada est l'un des pays les plus dynamiques et multiculturels du monde. Offrant des soins de santé et une éducation publics gratuits à tous ses citoyens et résidents permanents, il a également une qualité de vie extrêmement élevée et l'une des économies les plus fortes au monde.